Friday, January 29, 2010


Final inspection was just completed 10 minutes ago!

We are DONE!! The Building Permit has just been removed from the window!!

Monday, January 25, 2010


On Friday we had the final plumbing inspection and final electric inspection.

The plumbing inspection consisted of the inspector flushing the toilet and then turning the shower on (hottest setting) and sinks on (again hottest setting) and then measuring the temperature.

The electrical inspection consisted of the inspector 1 pace shy of actually running through the house and sticking a tester in each outlet. He then set off the GFCI in the bathroom to make sure it worked. Less than 90 seconds total in the house.

Spoke with a buddy of mine who used to be in construction. Electrical inspectors can make as much as $300 a house with the inspection. This explains why he was running. If he could get 10 done a day, that's $3k and he'd be done for the day.

What a racket.

Anyway, the final inspection we are hoping to have for this Friday. Keep your fingers crossed!

Friday, January 22, 2010


The final plumbing and electrical inspections were done today!! One last inspection needs done. It's the final "habitability" inspection. We have some minor bits to do and need to pick up a couple of items, but for all intents and purposes the addition is done!!!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Whew!! What a long, strange trip it's been! Learned lots of new skills and picked up a lot of new tools! Never new what tools you were lacking until you do a project like this. We have the final plumbing and electric inspections scheduled and once they are done we have the overall final inspection and we are then done.

You've seen in a previous picture that we are using the first floor. Well, we are now using the new bathroom, except for the shower. The last things we need to do are some caulking in the shower, sealing of the grout and hanging of the closet doors. Then we are DONE!!

Here are some updated pictures of the bathroom.

Monday, January 11, 2010


We are so close we can taste it!!!

The first floor is finally finished. We've moved in all the furniture and such that we have planned for it. We still are looking for a new chair and table, but other than that we are now using this room.

As for the new master bath, all the major work is done by us. Right now, as I type this the plumber is at our house putting in the sinks and toilet as well as putting in the shower fixture.

After this, we really only have the closet doors and shelves/hanging bars left and we hope to have that done this weekend.

Hopefully tomorrow morning we can start using the new bathroom! WHOO-HOO!!