Wednesday, July 22, 2009

DAY 16

The issue with the flooding has been temporarily resolved. It rained again yesterday evening and there were no issues. Here is what was rigged to fix it for now.

Hopefully once the outside is done and all the new gutters are on then we won't have any issues.

Other work done yesterday involved framing of the vanity's and the closet that will be in the new bathroom.

The also insulated behind and set the shower in place.

An interesting aside...When I got home I found out the garage door would not close. It was rubbing towards the bottom of one rail and wouldn't close. After 1/2 hour and taking a bunch of things apart, I have Alexis to thank for figuring it out. She said "dad, the door doesn't look straight". I took a close look at the entire door. Turns out that when they took the shower out of the garage, they had to unhook the garage door from the motor. They then had to push it all the way up as it would have a little bit of an overhang in the front when it open. The first roller on each side of the door actually should be in a separate track from the rest. When they pushed it back, one of the rollers came off that track and ended up on the other track. This put the door at an angle and wouldn't close. Quick fix and all is working now.


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