Monday, July 20, 2009


DISASTER!! As you know from the previous post, the roof was framed. Friday night Kristen and I were going to a friends house for happy hour. Her parents had come over to watch the girls for the evening. It decided to rain that night.

About 6:30 or so, Kristen's parents arrived. We talked for a bit and then we got ready to leave. Just then some heavy rain came. Next thing we know, the roof is leaking in the family room!!! We knew this couldn't be from the family room roof as we had just replaced the roof about 2 years ago.

So in the rain/thunderstorm, Kristen's dad and I ran up the ladder onto the roof of the family room to find the problem. We found it. Turns out that the builders had removed the gutter from the second floor of the house. No problem as the shingles overhanged by and inch or two so that the water would run off and drip onto the roof of the family room and then into the gutter.

HOWEVER...where the new addition met up with the roof of the existing house, the builders had cut a portion of the shingles flush with the back of the house. The water was running off the roof and straight down the side of the house. This then went right behind the flashing on the roof of the family room and allowed it to drip directly under the roof, through the insulation and through the ceiling of the family room.

As you can see, we were able to rig a tarp and some paper to redirect the flow and this seemed to fix the issue. However, we now have brown spots on the ceiling. Will keep everyone updated on what the builder has to say about that.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Don't forget you can click on the pictures to enlarge. Definitely do this on the last picture to see exactly where the water was running down.

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